Activities in Stoke Gifford Parish

Bristol Taekwon-do - Little Lions
International Taekwon-Do Instructor - Miss Fran White - IV Degree Black Belt
Classes for 4-6 year olds - 3.55pm until 4.20pm
Tues: The Trust Hall - Stoke Gifford
Fri: The Community Hall - Little Stoke
Tel: 07787956050

Citizens Advice drop-in sessions
Are you struggling to make ends meet? Do you wonder if your employer is treating you fairly?
We can all face situations which seem complicated and may need some advice to help us though. At Citizens Advice South Gloucestershire, we can help with most everyday problems from employment to housing, relationship breakdown to benefit entitlement and debt.
Whether you are struggling to pay your energy bills or need to check if you are getting all the benefits you are entitled to, our experienced advisers are here to give you free, independent and impartial information and advice. We will give you the knowledge and confidence to find your way forward.
Come and see us at The Community Hall, Little Stoke Lane, Bristol, BS34 6HR, on the 2nd and 4th Monday of every month from 12.30 pm to 2.30 pm.

Four Towns Vale Link
Get out and about this winter, with our door-to-door, ring-and-ride accessible transport in your area. We can help you get to the shops, GP/Hospital appointments and transport you to your social/education visits.
Why not tell a friend and enjoy a variety of trips we run monthly including places such as garden centres, pub lunches and shopping places further afield.
Join Now for Free membership From Jan 1st 2022 – March 31st 2022
Contact Details:
Address: Crossbow House, 58 School Road, Frampton Cotterell, Bristol, BS36 2DA
Tel: 01454 250 500
Download the Winter offer poster (PDF)

1st Frome Valley Rainbows & Brownies
Rainbows (age 4-7) and Brownies (age 7-10) meet on the 2nd Saturday of each month at Little Stoke Scout Hut.

Goldies Sing & Smile UK
A good old sing-a-long. We're not a choir!
Everyone welcome!
St Michael's Church Centre, The Green, Stoke Gifford, Bristol, BS34 8PD
on the 1st Tuesday of each month with Adele Hooper from 2pm-3pm
Telephone: 01761 470006

Holisun Therapies
Yoga, Relaxation and Tai Chi - Friendly Local Classes
Hatha Yoga – qualified teacher, all levels from beginner every Thursday at 6pm £8
Tai Chi Qigong with relaxation/meditation (gentle version for all), standing or seated, all ages and abilities welcome every Wednesday 11am £7
Beautiful relaxation evenings monthly with Sound Bath and Yoga Nidra, Mondays 8pm £10
Call/text Debbie on 07702 344287 to book or for more information
at Poplar Rooms / Trust Hall Stoke Gifford, Bristol, BS34 8PE
Facebook: @holisuntherapiesuk

The Jolly Melodies Music Company
Take your child on a musical journey with our lively, fun classes, full of singing, movement and percussion.
Fabulous fun for babies from birth until school.
(previously Music with Mummy)
Jolly Babies from birth to approx. 14 months
Jolly Toddlers from approx. 15 months
Classes are held in BS32 and BS34 postcodes
Classes run by Debbie Ellis since 2010.
Facebook: @TheJollyMelodiesMusicCompanyBradleyStoke
Instagram: @tjmmcbradleystoke

Little Stoke & District Ladies Club
We meet the First and Third Tuesday of the month and the club is open to all Ladies over the age of 18yrs.
Meetings are held at the Baptist Church, Kingsway, Little Stoke commencing at 7:30pm
We have interesting speakers, open evenings and various trips.
Come and join us. New members are always welcome.
Telephone Julie Hills on 0117 9315007

Seedlings & Saplings
Saplings is for a parent/carer to bring pre-schoolers over 1 year on Fridays from 9.15 - 10.45.
Seedlings meets on Monday mornings frpom 10.00 - 11.15 and is for mums with babies under 1 year.
Both groups meet at The Vench Adventure Playground & Community Centre in term-time only.
Feel free to just turn-up on the day, there's no need to pre-book.
For more info email

South Gloucestershire Community Learning - Feedback Sessions
Come along to one of our regular fortnightly drop-in sessions, where you will be able to:
- Discuss courses you want to do and any others which we think you would benefit from
- Complete an enrolment form
- Enrol onto our Google Classroom, where you will find online resources to support you whilst on your course
- Complete an Assessment if you are doing English, maths and/or ESOL
- Discuss your learning and any support needs
See the attached poster for details of the next sessions in each of the listed areas.
*For adults aged 19+ with few or no qualifications; or experiencing other barriers to work
Stoke Gifford Intergenerational Drop-in Playgroup
The Stoke Gifford Intergenerational Drop-in Playgroup meets on Wednesdays 10am-12pm at the Village Hall of the Stoke Gifford Retirement Village.
When: Wednesdays from 10am-12pm
Where: Stoke Gifford Retirement Village, off Coldharbour Lane, Bristol
Drop-in playgroup for infants/children 0-5 years along with their parents, grandparents, caregivers and older members of the retirement village and wider community.
Visit the Facebook Group for more information.
See also Stoke Gifford Retirement Village (ExtraCare Charitable Trust website).

Stoke Lane AFC - Opportunity for players age 16 and over to join our squad!
Stoke Lane AFC Men's team are seeking new players to join our squad!
We are located in the Stoke Gifford/Patchway area of North Bristol.
Winter training: Patchway Community School, 8-9pm every Thursday.
League matches are Saturday afternoons, playing in the Bristol & District League, Division 2
To find out more, please contact Ben on 07824 396123 or Stoke Lane Secretary, Steve on 07972 039413

Stoke Lane Pan-Disability Football
Pan Football is a format of football which involves small sided games for a mixture of abilities, including participants who have learning difficulties.
Pan Football is for both recreational and competitive participants, competing in a league played on regular basis.
Saturday 12pm until 1pm
Kingswood Leisure Centre, BS16 4RH
£5 per session
For more information please contact club secretary Steve Payne.
Tel: 07972039413

Stoke Gifford Tae Kwon-Do
First two classes FREE! Get fit, have fun, gain confidence and life skills.
While maintaining the discipline and etiquette required for a Martial Art.
Tuesday & Friday
- 3.55pm - 4.20pm Little Lions (4-6yrs)
- 4.30pm - 5.05pm Junior 1 (7-12yrs) ~ White Belt to Green Stripe
- 5.15pm - 6.05pm Junior 2 (7-12yrs) ~ Green Belt and above
- 6.15pm - 7.05pm Adults (13yrs +) ~ All Grades
- 7.15pm - 8.05pm Black Belt Class
Friday Taekwon-Do classes held HERE!
Tuesday classes held at The Trust Hall, Stoke Gifford
For more information or to book the 1st free class contact Instructor Miss Fran White:
email: call: 07787956050

The Stoke Singers
Based in Bristol, The Stokes Singers is an amateur choir of 20-30 members. Our aim is to provide an opportunity for people who enjoy singing to rehearse and perform in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere.
Thursdays, 7.30pm - 9.30pm
If you would like further information about the choir and our concerts, please contact us!
Telephone: 07716 353182

Warm Space - Thursday
Every Thursday 10am - 2pm
The Place, Little Stoke Baptist Church, Kingsway
Providing Free:
- Hot & Cold Drinks
- Cakes & Snacks
- Light Lunch
- Games, Clothes, Household Items
Supported by donations

Wingfield School of Dance
Classes start from 3 years +
- Ballet
- Street Dance
- Tap
- Musical Theatre
- Modern / Jazz
Classes held in Bradley Stoke and Little Stoke
Facebook: @wingfieldschoolofdance