Stoke Gifford Parish Council logoStoke Gifford Parish Council logoStoke Gifford Parish Council logoStoke Gifford Parish Council logo

Committee Membership

Committee Membership 2023/2024

The following appointments were made at the Annual Parish Council Meeting on 10th May 2023:

  • Chair of Council: Councillor Dave Addison
  • Vice Chair of Council: Councillor Sue Bandcroft

Committee Members

Chairs of Committees are elected at the first meeting of the respective committee.

Chair of Council and Vice-Chair of Council are ex-officio on all committees, which does not affect the quorum.

Full Council and Finance & General-Purpose Committee (All Parish Councillors)

  • Dave Addison (Chair Full Council)
  • Sue Bandcroft (Vice Chair Full Council)
  • Richard Barber
  • Mike Brown
  • Janet Brunwin
  • Keith Cranney
  • Neel Das Gupta
  • Anthony Hyde
  • Keiron Marsden (Chair of Finance & General Purpose)
  • Brian Mead
  • Penny Richardson
  • Andrew Shore

Planning & Transportation

  • Andrew Shore (Chair of Planning & Transportation)
  • Dave Addison
  • Sue Bandcroft
  • Richard Barber
  • Mike Brown
  • Janet Brunwin
  • Keith Cranney
  • Neel Das Gupta
  • Anthony Hyde
  • Keiron Marsden
  • Penny Richardson

Recreation & Leisure

  • Sue Bandcroft
  • Mike Brown
  • Anthony Hyde
  • Keiron Marsden
  • Penny Richardson (Chair of Recreation & Leisure)
  • Andrew Shore

Council Representatives on External Groups

Stoke Gifford Trust Committee

  • Councillor Andrew Shore
  • Councillor Neel Das Gupta

Friends of Forty Acres & Meade Park

  • Councillor Sue Bandcroft
  • Councillor Jan Brunwin

South Gloucestershire Community Engagement Forum

  • Councillor Keith Cranney

Little Stoke Garden Society

  • Councillor Mike Brown

Splatts Abbeywood Conservation Group

  • Councillor Sue Bandcroft

Four Towns Play Association

  • Councillor Tony Hyde
  • Parish Clerk

National Association of Local Councils Network

  • Parish Clerk

Brooklands Community Hall Sub Committee

  • Councillor Dave Addison
  • Councillor Neel Das Gupta
  • Councillor Keiron Marsden
  • Councillor Mike Brown
  • Councillor Sue Bandcroft
  • Councillor Andrew Shore

Brooklands Park Residents Association

  • Councillor Dave Addison
  • Councillor Neel Das Gupta
  • Councillor Keiron Marsden
  • Councillor Andrew Shore

South Glos Town & Parish Councillor Forum

  • Councillor Keiron Marsden is the TPC Forum representative on the Community Cohesion Action Group