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Public Consultations

South Gloucestershire Council

Below is a list of relevant current consultations. Follow the links to view further information about each consultation on the South Gloucestershire Council website.

Regulation 18 - Local Plan Topic Paper for Housing Land Supply and Bristol Unmet Need

South Gloucestershire Council is undertaking an additional Regulation 18 consultation covering the council’s strategy for ensuring adequacy of its own housing land supply and whether it can assist with Bristol City Council’s unmet housing need.

The consultation is running for 8 weeks consultation from 19 July 2024 to 13 September 2024.

As part of the consultation we outlined on our consultation homepage that we will be running two online pop-up meetings. The purpose of the pop-up meetings is to:

  • Introduce the purpose of the additional consultation following the recent Phase 3 consultation which closed in February
  • Introduce the Topic Paper and what we are consulting on
  • Give a quick 'demo' of the Schedule of Sites (Appendix 1A) – to help to understand what information is included, how this relates to the Topic Paper, and how to navigate and search for site details
  • Explain how you can comment
  • Explain that our call for sites is open – with a particular interest in brownfield sites
  • Provide a brief update on the Local Plan Delivery Programme

If you are interested in understanding more please come along to the pop-up meeting and we look forward to seeing you there.

The flyer for the events, including the meeting links are available in the Pop-up meeting folder on our online library on our webpage, please share the flyer with your community.

Both meetings will present the same information, therefore you only need to attend one of the meetings.

Details and links for the meetings are also below.

Join on your computer or mobile app on Microsoft Teams, click one of the links below (or included on the flyer) at the time of the meeting:

Thursday 1 August 2024
1.30 to 2.30 pm
Join the Local Plan Additional Regulation 18 consultation Pop-Up meeting on 1 August at 1.30pm


Thursday 1 August 2024
5.00 to 6.00 pm
Join the Local Plan Additional Regulation 18 consultation Pop-Up meeting on 1 August at meeting 5pm

Please read and adhere to :

Data Protection

Please be advised that all comments made on the new Local Plan will be published online in due course. Please note that all responses received, including some personal details cannot be kept confidential and will be made publicly available.

Information about how we will use your personal data and a copy of South Gloucestershire Council's Privacy Notice is available to view at:, and our data protection policy is available to view at:

Please note that you have the option to opt out of receiving these updates from us at any time, by emailing

If you have any questions about this update, contact us by email at and we will respond in a timely manner.