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Police Funding Survey

Avon and Somerset Police and Crime Commissioner logo

Avon and Somerset Police and Crime Commissioner - 4th December 2023

The Avon and Somerset Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) is responsible for setting the amount of money you contribute to local policing through your council tax bill (known as the ‘precept’).

The precept accounts for 41% of police funding and the rest is from central Government. The Government set the maximum amount by which PCCs can increase the precept each year.

The Government has not yet confirmed the maximum amount PCCs can increase the precept for next year, however it will be at least £10 for a band D household (3.8% of your council tax bill). The Government assume that PCCs will ask for the maximum allowed and use this assumption in their budget setting.

Our current financial planning assumes the precept will be increased by £10 next year. Even with this assumed increase savings still need to be made. The size of the savings needed will likely result in about 250 staff roles being cut across the next few years. These cuts will have an impact on front line services such as visible policing and the ability to investigate crime.

The PCC wants to hear your thoughts on increasing the amount of money which goes towards policing through your council tax.

The survey and information about the precept can be found here:

The survey closes on 22 January 2024.

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