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Launch of new engagement: Booking system for Sort It recycling centres

South Gloucestershire Council logo

South Gloucestershire Council - 21st February 2024

In December 2023 the Government introduced new legislation which limits how much DIY waste (such as rubble, tiles, soil, plasterboard and concrete) householders can bring to recycling centres at no charge.

This means we must introduce processes to record the DIY waste being disposed of at our sites and have a system in place to limit the number of visits made by residents disposing of this waste. The best way to do this in our Sort It Centres in South Gloucestershire whilst minimising disruption and delays to people using the sites is to introduce a booking system.

Ahead of introducing this booking system, we have launched an engagement survey to help explain how such a scheme could work and give local people an opportunity to provide feedback. We welcome feedback about how you would like the scheme to operate, which will help us ensure we implement a system which works for everyone.

As key stakeholders, we welcome your feedback and we would appreciate if you could also share this message and the link to the engagement survey with other people and groups who you think would be interested in this change so that they can also offer their views.

You can review the proposals and complete the survey via our webpage at Sort It Centre booking system. The engagement survey will remain open until 1 April 2024.

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