20 mph Speed Limit: Various Roads, Stoke Gifford
South Gloucestershire Council - 5th March 2024
NOTICE is hereby given that South Gloucestershire District Council proposes to make an order under sections 82(2), 83(2) and 84(1) and (2) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 as amended the effect of which will be to prohibit the driving of motor vehicles at a speed exceeding 20 miles per hour in lengths of Bush Avenue, Gipsy Patch Lane and Smithcourt Drive, Stoke Gifford.
Full details of the proposal are contained in the draft order. If you would like to see a copy of the draft order, a map, and a statement of the Council's reasons for making the order, you may do so at Patchway One Stop Shop, The Patchway Hub, Rodway Road, Patchway during normal opening hours. You can also view documents and plans relating to this notice on the Council's website at https://consultations.southglos.gov.uk/PT.7908StokeGifford20mph/consultationHome
What if I want to send a response about the proposals?
Our preferred method of response is via the council’s webpages using the link above where you may complete an online questionnaire. Should you wish to respond by post, please request a legal questionnaire by contacting Ria Pound on 01454 864133. Please note posted responses will only be accepted on the questionnaire provided and acknowledgements will not be sent. Please check that you:
1. Include reasons for any comments you make, for or against, the proposals
2. Send all comments in writing to the Monitoring Officer and Head of Legal, Governance and Democratic Services at the address below.
3. Quote reference L3/GMM/STOP/PT.7908 on your correspondence.
4. Send all correspondence by 23 March 2024.
5. Mark your correspondence for the attention of Grace Marsden.
Please note that all the letters received may be considered in public by the Council. The content of letters, together with the name and address of the person making it, could become available for public inspection.
Please download the Notice of Intent and other supporting documents below: